
In mid-March, unripe fruit appears on sale in the markets in Tajikistan. This is a gura- green apricot. So unripe that even the bone inside has not formed. This fruit is eaten completely with bones. The inhabitants of Central Asia and Caucasus appreciate this fruit. Apricot is sold in three types: green apricot, ripe apricot and dried apricots.

In Tajikistan, apricots ripen in May. One of the main benefits of apricot is its beneficial effect on increasing hemoglobin in the blood, preventing thyroid and cardiovascular diseases, and improving heart functioning.

In addition, the fruit lowers cholesterol levels and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques on the vascular walls, removes toxins from the body.

If you want to increase brain activity, then, in this case, the researchers advise consuming apricots. Apricots improve memory that is why they are recommended to people who are engaged in intellectual work.

Apricot is a godsend for all those who are losing weight; this dietary fruit perfectly unloads the body and serves as a sweet snack, while following a diet. The calorie content of apricot is 41 kcal per 100 grams.

In Tajikistan, the fruits ripen first in the south of Tajikistan. Tajik apricots have already appeared on the shelves of foreign countries. The apricot-picking season in the republic lasts almost until the end of summer. Apricots are grown in the north of the republic, here, or rather in Isfara city, even a monument was erected to the “Sunny fruit”. Isfara has tens of thousands of hectares of apricot orchards alone! In the garden of each resident, there are necessarily several apricot trees).

In recent years, apricot orchards have been expanded in Tajikistan; farmers are harvesting a bountiful harvest using best practices. It is necessary to study the experience of farmers in cities and districts of the Sughd region, especially in the field of horticulture and apricot production.

According to statistics, there are 160,000 hectares of apricot orchards in Tajikistan, 56,000 hectares of which are at the disposal of dekhkan farms. There are 46,000 hectares of apricot orchards in Sughd region, 5,000 hectares in Khatlon region, 2,000 hectares in DRS and 500 hectares in GBAO. The annual fruit production in the country is 423,000 tons.

In order to increase the competitiveness of small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises of Tajikistan in the export markets, the International Trade Center, in cooperation with the relevant structures of the country, developed and implemented the project of “Promoting access to the export markets of agricultural products of the Republic of Tajikistan through an improved food security system”.