
Peach trees have been known for quite a long time; many people love their fruits. Plants differ from many other fruit crops in their thermophilicity, and one of such warm countries is Tajikistan.

Our country has the most suitable climate, and it is not difficult to grow peaches here. There is no need to take special care when the trees are developing well and producing stable yields. Due to the excellent taste of the fruit, peaches are actively exported to different countries, and the territory of their growth has expanded significantly, although the conditions have become less comfortable, which forced people to devote much more time to each stage of plant development.

Only in the dekhkan farm “Uzun” of Jaloliddini Balkhi district there are over 300 hectares of peach orchards, where over 13 varieties of these fruits are grown. From 3 to 4 tons of fruits are exported daily from farmland. Peach is harvested from May and ends in September. One variety ripens after another without stopping, and dekhkans do not remain idle.

With the beginning of the peach harvest season, the peasants of the Kumsangir region send 80 tons of fresh fruit to the markets of Tajikistan.

Peach fruits grown in our region are a very useful product in the diet. Peach fruit pulp is very juicy, fragrant, refreshing, nutritious, and easy to digest. Peach is recommended for children, as well as persons weakened after illness in order to improve their appetite. The peach fruits is useful for person with cardiovascular, kidney diseases, diseases of the liver and gallbladder. Iron, vitamin K and lycopene in the composition have a good effect on the cardiovascular system, peaches are beneficial for arrhythmia and anemia. Stimulate the work of the digestive tract and peristalsis, relieving heartburn and constipation.