
One of the crops with the greatest potential in agribusiness in Tajikistan is peanuts. In Tajikistan, peanuts can be grown by entrepreneurs for sale as a raw material, as well as used for processing, storage and production of various products in their business. In 1903, American scientist George Carver worked on the production of various peanut products and identified over 300 products that an entrepreneur could produce and earn a good income. In other words, in Tajikistan, peanuts are one of the most viable products for business.

From each hectare of peanuts, you can get from 1500 to 2000 kg of crop.

Peanuts are a valuable oilseed crop. Among other oilseeds, it is distinguished by high oil content of seeds and quality of oil. The seeds contain up to 50-60% high-quality edible, non-drying oil and 35% protein.

About 60 types of confectionery can be made from peanut seeds. Peanut oil is not inferior in quality to olive oil, it is used in food, as well as in the canning, margarine, soap industry and in medicine. Peanut cake is rich in protein (40-45%), contains 7-8% fat and is used for the manufacture of canned food, halva, cookies, chocolate, coffee, cakes and other confectionery.

The studies conducted by scientists in the US state of Iowa showed that people in whose diet at least 4 times in 7 days a peanut appears are 37 percent less at risk of ischemia. In addition, each additional serving of the product, according to scientists, reduces this danger by another 8.3%. Moreover, all this is due to the chemical composition of the product, which includes magnesium, nicotinic acid, copper, oleic acid, and antioxidants. Together they create powerful protection for the heart, blood vessels and other organs.

Peanuts reduce the risk of gallstone formation by almost 4 times. Scientists explain this effect quite simply. Gallstones are essentially pure cholesterol. Peanuts lower cholesterol levels. Therefore, it is not surprising that the peanut protects against the formation of gallstones.

For 10 years, scientists in Taiwan have been investigating the relationship between peanuts and the risk of colon cancer. The experiment involved 12,000 men and women. The result pleasantly surprised the scientific world. It turned out to be enough to eat at least 2 servings of peanuts per week to reduce the risk of bowel cancer in women by almost 58% and by 27% in men. In addition, this is an undeniable benefit for the body.